Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Black & White Magazine Feature

Black & White Magazine is THE publication for collectors of fine photography. Writer and photographer Mark Edward Harris interviewed Marissa for the new issue (#82, cover date April 2011) about her experiences as a well traveled photojournalist. "Roth’s assignments for publications including Time, Newsweek, Paris Match, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times have ranged from spot news coverage of a coup attempt in the Philippines in 1989 and the first post-communist elections in Hungary in 1990 to the 1992 L.A. Riot and the 1994 Northridge earthquake." They go on to discuss the impact of her first trip to the Philippines in 1987, her 25-year global photo essay 'One Person Crying: Women and War', and more. Accompanied by a concise sampling of her images, the article is a great start to the new year.

To read the PDF, zoom in or print it using the navigation.
Buy the issue from your local newsstand or from Black & White's website.